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Some victims were reportedly forced to rape one another on camera. The victims include children as young as six. A Pakistani child welfare official called the scheme “the largest-ever child abuse scandal in Pakistan’s history.”Īccording to the Nation, the abuse in Hussain Khan Wala began in 2006 and ended last year. The resulting tapes were then sold, including to porn site operators in the United States, the United Kingdom, and in Europe, one villager told the Nation. “We are seriously thinking to set our houses on fire and leave the locality.”Īccording to the Nation, the abuse in Hussain Khan Wala began in 2006 and ended last year. It was disgusting and shameful,” the mother of a 14-year-old victim told the Nation.

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We have been paying money to the blackmailers for the last four years. According to Pakistani media reports, children in the village of Hussain Khan Wala, near the Indian border, were raped and molested on camera, and then the tapes were used to blackmail them and their families. More than 280 children forced into sex acts, producing more than 400 videos of child pornography: This is the scale of a horrible tale of abuse and blackmail that is rocking Pakistan.

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